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Complete. Contour lines

Complete the following text with the words below. You can use the words more than once: steep – contour – close – far The elevation of the land is represented on maps by lines that connect points at the same height. These lines are usually a dark brown colour. If the lines are spaced apart, it means that the slope of the land is not very . If the lines are spaced together, it means that the slope of the land is greater. [...]

  • Idioma:

    • Inglés
  • Formato:


Recurso educativo

Cursos y asignaturas

  • 12 años:
    • Historia
    • Geografía
  • 13 años:
    • Geografía
    • Historia

Tipo de recurso

  • Interactivo
  • Ejercicio

Uso del recurso

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