Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and plants
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. Animals behave in certain ways to survive in their environment. Their nervous and endocrine systems create action responses that are transmitted to the organs. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
12 actividades
44 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Before you start - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals a...
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- 2 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
Summaries - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and plants
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- 1 recurso
1. Interaction in animals Interaction is a function that allows living things to perceive information from the outside or from inside the organism and respond to changes that take place. [...]
Introduction - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and p...
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- 3 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
1.1. What is interaction? Interaction is a function that allows living things to perceive information from the outside or from inside the organism and respond to changes that take place. 1.2. [...]
2.1. The sense organs The sense organs receive stimuli from the environment. They are usually found close to the surface at the front of the body. An animal's sense organs determine how it perceives the outside world (figures 1, 2 and 3). 2.2. [...]
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
3.1. Coordination systems Animals have two coordination systems: the nervous system and the endocrine system. Both systems receive stimuli and create responses to them. [...]
4.1. Plants respond to stimuli Plants also respond to changes in their environment, although this happens more slowly than in animals. The main responses of plants to stimuli from their surroundings are tropisms and nastic movements. 4.2. [...]
Remember - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and plants
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- 4 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
Investigate - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and pl...
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- 2 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
End-of-unit activities - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in ani...
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- 5 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
End-of-unit evaluation - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in ani...
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- 2 recursos
The functions of interaction coordinate an organism's vital functions. They help individuals interact with and adapt to their environment. Living things constantly receive a large amount of information through their sense organs. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
13 años:
- Biología
- Geologia
14 años:
- Geologia
- Biología
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Recursos relacionados:
Investigate - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and pl...
Introduction - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and p...
Remember - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals and plants
Before you start - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in animals a...
End-of-unit evaluation - Interaction, adaptation and coordination in ani...
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