Caliph (n): a Muslim ruler with complete political and religious authority. dome (n): a round decorative roof of a building with a circular base. emir (n): a Muslim (usually Arab) leader or military commander. imam (n): an Islamic religious leader who directs worship in a mosque. minaret (n): a tall, thin tower of a mosque, with a balcony at the top from which Muslims are called to prayer. [...]
Esta secuencia contiene:
5 actividades
5 recursos
- Inglés
Secuencia didáctica
Caliph (n): a Muslim ruler with complete political and religious authority. dome (n): a round decorative roof of a building with a circular base. emir (n): a Muslim (usually Arab) leader or military commander. [...]
Buttress (n): a stone structure built against the outside of a wall to support it. clergy (n): representatives of the Church, with authority to lead religious services. [...]
Altarpiece (n): a work of art located above and behind the altar of a church. apprentice (n): a person who acts as assistant and student to a skilled craftsman. artisan (n): a craftsman skilled at making certain types of objects by hand. [...]
Count (n): a high-ranking nobleman with extensive property and influence. Marca Hispánica (n): an area between the Pyrenees and the Ebro River created by Charlemagne in 795 to defend the Franks against al-Andalus. [...]
Biga (n): a political group of wealthy citizens of Barcelona who monopolised municipal power in 15th century Catalonia. [...]
Cursos y asignaturas
13 años:
- Historia
- Geografía
14 años:
- Geografía
- Historia
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